One item within a scrap file. A scrap item may itself have many ΓÇ£Scrap TypesΓÇ¥. You can see what ΓÇ£Scrap TypesΓÇ¥ a scrap item has by clicking the ΓÇ£Scrap Type MenuΓÇ¥ in the window.
Scrap File:
A file created by ScrapIt Pro (or AppleΓÇÖs Scrapbook, MultiScrap or SmartScrapΓäó) to store scrap items.
Scrap Type:
A Scrap Type is the ΓÇ£typeΓÇ¥ of data that describes the item placed into the Scrap File. The Scrap Types an item has depends on the application that you copied the data from. Some common types are;
ΓÇÿGIFfΓÇÖ = A GIF item (a special picture format)
ΓÇÿJPEGΓÇÖ = A JPEG item (a special picture format)
ΓÇÿTIFFΓÇÖ = A TIFF item (a special picture format)
ΓÇÿ3DMFΓÇÖ = A QuickDraw 3D item
ΓÇÿPICTΓÇÖ = A picture definition
ΓÇÿstylΓÇÖ = Text formatting for a ΓÇÿTEXTΓÇÖ item